Why You Should Never Undervalue Regular Pet Grooming Services for Your Cat

While most pet owners go to great lengths to keep their animals clean and attractive, not as many will consider pet grooming services for their cats. This is not surprising when you consider that cats are renowned for being constantly preoccupied with cleaning their coats. However, you should know that this does not mean that you and your cat cannot benefit from pet grooming. You may be surprised to learn just how helpful these services can be for the long term. [Read More]

3 Reasons To Invest in Quality Training for Your Puppy

One of the easiest decisions to make when you are a pet lover is getting a puppy. The exciting part is bringing your beautiful furry friend home. However, few people consider how they will handle the puppy once they get them. You have to think about whether the puppy got toilet training from the breeder and if they know how to interact with others. It is advisable to check whether your puppy can follow instructions before bringing them home. [Read More]

Pseudopregnancy in Dogs: How Does It Affect Their Desexing?

Unless you plan to breed your dog, you will probably plan to have her desexed. In fact, pet desexing is mandatory for dogs in South Australia and the ACT. The procedure is straightforward and predictable, but there can occasionally be an unpredictable factor that can complicate her desexing. Your dog hasn't had the opportunity to mate, but now that she has reached the age where you might plan to schedule the procedure, how is it possible that she seems to be pregnant? [Read More]