Could Your Dog Be Suffering From a Mild Food Allergy?

A food allergy doesn't always trigger a severe response. The effects can be subtle and quite difficult to spot, especially in dogs. The results of the allergy can be minor and might seem to be little more than mild discomfort, but this discomfort can be avoided. Immunoglobulins and Food Molecules Broadly speaking, a food allergy is identified when the immune system misidentifies a protein as an allergen. The body's immune system diligently dispatches immunoglobulins (antibodies) to neutralise the allergen, and these immunoglobulins bind themselves to the food molecules containing the misidentified protein. [Read More]

4 Signs Your Dog Needs an Emergency Vet Clinic

As a dog parent, your top priority is to ensure your dog is happy and in excellent health. In addition to routine vet check-ups, your dog may fall ill and require the attention of the vet. It's generally not advisable to wait out a dog's illness. Instead, you should ensure you take them to the vet for diagnosis and treatment. Some of the symptoms of illness may be difficult to diagnose. [Read More]