Brief Guide to Providing Senior Care for Your Ageing Pooch

An unfortunate aspect of being a dog owner is that the chances are you will outlive your pet. So while your pet was a boisterous and sociable pup, the effects of ageing can be quote dampening to their spirit. Rather than leave them to their own devices, it is at this time that they need extra care and attention from you. Being aware of the ageing process and informed about how you can make life easier for your dog can go a long way in ensuring that their last days are without any unnecessary pain and suffering. If you have an ageing pooch, below is a brief guide on how you can provide the best senior care for them.

Have a routine vet clinic schedule

The first thing you can do for the wellbeing of your senior pet is taking them for routine examinations at your local vet clinic. A mistake some pet owners make is waiting for age-related illnesses to get worse before they seek medical attention. But what they are not considering is that it is harder for old pets to heal as compared to young pups. Thus, what might have started as a simple ache in the joints could quickly deteriorate into your pet losing some or all of their mobility. Going to the vet clinic on a scheduled basis will make sure that the state of your pooch's health is monitored, giving the vet time to diagnose the onset of typical problems such as impaired vision, arthritis, oral decay, cancer and so on.

Make adjustments to your pet's diet

Another critical form of care for your senior pet is making sure that they are getting the appropriate nutrition. Take note that the dietary needs of a younger dog will be disparate from those of an older dog. Older dogs, to begin with, may not be able to chew on hard food substances as easily as younger, stronger dogs can. Resultantly, they could become at risk of choking on their food is it is not properly masticated. Not to mention the bowel problems that the senior dogs will also be at risk of if they are not capable of chewing their food adequately. Secondly, older dogs will have specific requirements for macro minerals, nutrients and vitamins to help combat the age-related problems that they are vulnerable to. For example, older dogs will need high levels of calcium, magnesium, manganese, zinc and so on. Hence, requiring you to supplement these minerals into their diet.
